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Clarrie's Pig Day Out

The sun is up and I have a lot to shoe.
No. I have a lot to poo.
No, no, no. I have a lot to do. 
I'm going out and my dag is coming with me. 

One day when Clarrie and his dog Bert head out in his jar, whoops, his car, it turns out to be a day filled with fun and surprises.

Clarrie's Pig Day Out is a very funny story about farmer Clarrie who gets his worms, no! his words, mixed up from author Jen Storer and illustrator Sue de Gennaro.

Young children will love seeing how Clarrie mixes up his words - and will enjoy correcting them, as well!

Read by favourite storyteller, Mike McLeish, we guarantee this story will have you laughing out loud.


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