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Don't Look Now Book 1 - Falling For it

Have you ever had a secret? A really REALLY BIG secret that you couldn't tell anyone?

Self-confessed dork, Ricky, feels like he's different to other kids. He spends a lot of time imagining things and he dreams of being famous. But that doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon until Ricky discovers that he can fly. No, really. He can actually fly.but there's a downside. He can only fly if no one is looking, which makes things a little tricky!

Paul Jennings and Andrew Weldon's very funny tale is read by the wonderfully talented performer, Mike McLeish, and features fantastic illustrations. Join Mike as he shares Ricky's hilarious adventures and find out if this is a boy so desperate for fame that he'll risk his life to fly in public!


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