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The Great Rabbit Chase

Mum went out to buy a new pair of gumboots, but came home with a rabbit. I named him Gumboots.
He is soft and beautiful, with very sharp claws for scratching. And very strong teeth for chewing.
But what he does best is... escape!

The Great Rabbit Chase is a joyously simple celebration of community spirit and the warmth and humour to be found in everyday moments. We follow adorable Gumboots in his scampering escape into the neighbourhood and are joined along the way by a host of colourful local characters all intent on tracking down the cheeky rabbit.

Beautiful life-filled watercolour illustrations give this special story extra depth and subtle humour.

Written, illustrated and read by the divine Freya Blackwood, this gorgeous story will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy, especially after the delightful surprise ending!


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