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Scott Edgar

Comedian / Actor / Composer

After a childhood steeped in role playing games, comic books and getting in trouble for drawing lizard warriors in the margins of exam papers, Scott has gone on to a career in the creative arts which has taken him through theatre, music, comedy, games, radio and television, always coming back to his first love of drawing lizard warriors in the margins of exam papers. 

Scott studied Design at Monash University before running off to join the circus (aka a Theatre Production degree at the Victorian College of the Arts). Scott is a writer for games and animation, and for studios such as the Cartoon Network and Ubisoft games. As an illustrator Scott works in the comics, games and children's book space. He works primarily digitally. “Scod” is also well-known as a member of much loved Melbourne comedy band “Tripod”. If you're looking for info on that carry-on, have a gander at