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Who's Your Real Mum - Auslan Edition

"Elvi, which one is your mum?"
"They're both my mum."
"But which one's your real mum?"

When Nicholas wants to know which of Elvi's two mums is her real mum, she gives him lots of clues. Her real mum is a circus performer, and a pirate, and she even teaches spiders the art of the web.
But Nicholas still can't work it out. Luckily, Elvi knows just how to explain it to her friend.

A beautiful story that celebrates nontraditional families and captures exactly what lies at the heart of family life — love. Gorgeously illustrated by Anna Zobel, written with a light and humorous touch by Bernadette Green, read by Erin Wamala and translated into Auslan by Meg Aumann. 

This project has been assisted through a grant received from the Telematics Trust.


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