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Benny Bungarra's Big Bush Clean-Up

Benny Bungarra was having fun in the sun when he heard a strange sound. 


'What's that noise?' Benny asked. 

'Is there a new animal in the bush?'

He scrambled up a tree to see. 

An environmental tale from Sally Morgan that shows how animals are affected by rubbish left in their habitat by humans. 

Ambelin Kwaymullina's illustrations are an explosion of colour and cleverly show the perils faced by our native animals. 

When the animals work as a team to come up with ways to look after the bush, they decide to ask the humans to REDUCE, RECYCLE and use RUBBISH BINS. But it is Benny Bungarra who has the bright idea of a BIG BUSH CLEAN-UP so the animals can also help look after the bush.

Delightfully read by actor Miah Madden, this timely story is a great reminder to everyone that we must work together to look after our environment!

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body. 


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