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Mr Huff Activity Time

Create a Feelings Weather Chart


What you need:

  • Paper plate

  • Small piece of coloured card stock

  • Split pen

  • Ruler

  • Pencils

    With a pencil, mark the centre of the paper plate. Use your ruler to draw three lines through the centre point to the outside edges of the paper plate, creating six equal segments. In each segment, write a weather statement from this list:

    • -  Cloudy with a chance of rain

    • -  Cloudy with a chance of sunshine

    • -  Sunny

    • -  Stormy

    • -  Light showers

    • -  Windy

      Work with your child to draw a picture of a face in each of the segments that shows how that weather condition might make you feel (e.g. Sunny = Happy, Stormy = Angry, Light Showers = Sad)
      Cut a small arrow shape from the cardboard stock and use a split pin to attach it to the centre point of the paper plate.
      Each day, invite your child to point the arrow to a part of the Feelings Weather Chart to show how they are feeling.
      Use your child’s responses each day to discuss feelings and how you might celebrate or manage thefeelings they are experiencing.



Suitable for


Story Duration
