Where do storytellers get their ideas?
Stuck for story ideas? This is the lesson for you! The blank page doesn’t need to be scary – in this video, you’ll hear all about how writer’s find their story inspiration, and how YOU can find story ideas EVERYWHERE in the world around you.
00:21 Meet the creators
00:57 Where do ideas come from?
02:31 How do writers get started?
03:40 Building on your story spark
05:18 Final words of advice
06:13 Here's what we've learned
Learning Intentions
1. Learning about story inspiration by considering the everyday things that could give us story ideas.
2. Thinking about ways to expand our ideas and develop them into fictional stories.
3. Learning about experimenting with ideas, and trying out different ways to find story sparks.
1. Identified different ways to find inspiration for story ideas.
2. Formed the beginnings of an idea that can be used to build a story.
Discussion Questions
- Do you have a favourite story? Can you describe what the story is about in only ONE sentence?
- Have you ever come up with a great story idea? Where did you find that idea?
- Do you find it easy or challenging to come up with story ideas? Why do you think that is?
- According to George and Nova, inspiration for story ideas can be found everywhere in the world around you. Where might you look for story ideas?
- Nova talks about being inspired by art. Think of a painting, picture or artwork from your home or school. What story do you think the picture is trying to tell?
- George describes how playing video games inspired some of his stories. And he talks about some of the ‘what if’ questions he used to help turn that hobby into story ideas. Can you think of some ‘what if’ questions you could ask to find story ideas in your favourite hobby?
- Nova talks about being stuck, and then finding the spark of a story character in a real-life person she met. Do you think starting with a character is a good way to find a story idea?
Curriculum Links
● Engaging and responding to literature: AC9E5LE05, AC9E6LE05,
● Creating texts: AC9E5LY06, AC9E6LY06
● Creating texts: Crafting ideas Level 7-8
● Create possibilities: Level 4