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How do I set up your LTI integration for our Learning Management System (LMS)?

Our Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) integration for LTI-compliance Learning Management Systems (LMS) is available to subscribers of our School Premium and Tertiary Premium packages. It allows you to incorporate StoryBox Hub content into your LMS without needing to load up our website or app separately.

Part of the set up will happen in your LMS admin settings, the other part will take place in your StoryBox Hub Account Holder settings. You may need assistance from your ICT team to complete the set up.

The set up steps can vary depending on the LMS your organisation is using. It's best to check with your learning management system's documentation or support team for the best way to add a new or custom LTI application to your system, but we are also working on updating our FAQs to include as much information about set up for different LMSes as per the below articles.

Set up steps for popular Learning Management Systems:


  • Please note this is new functionality as of July 2024 and as such may require some refinement. If you encounter any issues or have any feedback for future improvements please contact our support team.
  • At this point in time we recommend you only set up LTI or Single Sign On (SSO) for StoryBox Hub - not both. Both methods create staff/student accounts under your parent organisation account, but our system currently can't sync an LTI-generated sub account with an SSO-generated sub account. This means if you have both set up and a student accesses StoryBox Hub via your LMS integration, and then later by SSO, they will end up with two separate accounts which could cause some confusion.
  • If you've already set up SSO for your organisation and wish to switch to LTI, you can disable your SSO connection by:
    1. Logging in to your StoryBox Account Settings as the Account Holder.
    2. Scroll down to Other Account Actions on the right hand side and click Configure SSO details.
    3. Scroll to the bottom of your SSO Details and click the Delete Details link.
  • If you have LTI set up we recommend that you direct your students to access StoryBox Hub from your LMS rather than by visiting This is because they won't be able to access their LTI-generated sub account from our login page.
  • At this time, if you want to use both LTI and our mobile app, students will need to log in to our mobile app using your organisation's Viewer Password.
  • If you use Library Management System Oliver V5 you can find set up steps for that here. (You can set up Oliver V5 and LTI, or Oliver V5 and SSO, without issue.)