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LTI set up steps for Schoolbox

Schoolbox Administrator Setup

  1. In Schoolbox, click on your profile image and choose Administration.
  2. Click on LMS then LTI Tools.
  3. Click the '+' icon.
  4. Fill in the fields as shown below:
  5. LTI Tool Identity:
    • Name: StoryBox Hub
    • Version 1.3
  6. Tool Configuration:
  7. Click Create Tool.
  8. You will need the Schoolbox Instance Details for the next step - you might have to reopen/expand the tool you just created to see these.

Add your LMS the StoryBox Admin Settings

  1. Log in to your StoryBox Account Settings as the Account Holder.
  2. Scroll down to Other Account Actions on the right hand side and click Learning Management System (LMS) setup. (If you don't see this option it means your current subscription does not include our LTI integration. Please contact our sales team for package options.)
  3. Update these settings:
    • Platform ID: Issuer from the Schoolbox Instance Details
    • Client ID: Client/Deployment ID from the Schoobox Instance Details
    • Deployment ID: Client/Deployment ID from the Schoolbox Instance Details
    • Authentication request URL/endpoint: OpenID Connect Authentication URL from the Schoolbox Instance Details
    • Access Token URL/endpoint: oAuth Access Token URL from the Schoolbox Instance Details
    • Public Keyset URL/endpoint: JSON Web key Set URL from the Schoolbox Instance Details
  4. Click Update to save.