We have pulled together a selection of our story resources that can be used to help students learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements, and how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. 

A full list of selected activities and resources can be found in our dedicated National Reconciliation Week 'Now More Than Ever' Resource Collection on our Resources page.

Examples of selected activities include:

For 60,000 Years by Marlee Silva:

  • Explore the natural elements of your local area and use this as inspiration for an artwork that acknowledges and pays respect to the traditional owners of the land you are on. (See our Activity Time resource for details).

My Deadly Boots by Carl Merrison & Hakea Hustler 

  • Use the 'Beyond the Boots' template to draw and describe the types of things (physical and emotional) that contribute to your identity (see Classroom Ideas for details).

Come Together: Things Every Aussie Kid Should Know about the First Peoples by Isaiah Firebrace

  • Select a topic from the book to explore further, using a KWL Chart and 'jigsaw' group investigation approach. (See the Classroom Ideas for instructions and a template.)

Visit the Resource Collection here for further activity ideas and resources to help inspire and support students with understanding the importance of reconciliation.