Help & FAQs on the new login process for library patrons
27 Apr 2022
Assisting public library subscribers in making the most of Story Box Library, we are sharing important updates and information about the new login process for library patrons. Read more below, or find more helpful information in our FAQs.
Why does barcode authentication now require patrons to register an account?
Registering an account will ensure that your patrons can access our StoryBox app, plus be able to create their own individual playlists (previously these were public to the entire library community), set some of their own personal settings and have greater account security. Patrons can register their individualised accounts through our website or app.
Read more in improving library patron experience with important new features.
Do patrons need to log in with an email address now?
No. Patrons will still log in with their barcode number on our library login page, though they will now need to enter a PIN/password as well. They will only need to provide an email address when they register their individualised account.
How can libraries let patrons know about this update?
We’ve created a downloadable flyer that you can include in your digital communications to your community or distribute at your library.
Why do we ask for an email address and name when patrons are registering their individualised accounts?
Submitting an email address enables patrons to opt in to our monthly newsletter, and providing this along with their name can more easily assist us in troubleshooting any login issues they may have. Mis-typed barcode numbers are a common error and being able to match a name/email with a registered barcode allows us to resolve the issue more quickly.
How can patrons remain logged in to the StoryBox app?
Our app automatically remembers users for when they come back to use it at a later date. When patrons log in to StoryBox the app will remember them unless they force the app to close.
Read more in our FAQ, Why does the app ask me to log in each time I open it?
What should libraries authenticating via SIP2 do if they’re unable to connect to Story Box Library’s website and/or app?
The first step is to ensure that your LMS has properly whitelisted all seven of our required IPs and if your SIP2 service uses a version that includes a Checksum in its connection response. If your LMS confirms this is so, report the issue to our support team and provide a set of test credentials so we can investigate further. To confirm the required IPs for whitelisting, contact
Read more in our FAQ, Do you support patron access via SIP2?
What should libraries authenticating via barcode do if they’re unable to connect to Story Box Library’s website and/or app?
Send your current barcode ranges to so we can confirm that the information we have for your library is up to date. If it requires further investigation, we’ll contact you for a set of test credentials to look into the issue further.
Will libraries have access to how many patrons are logging in to Story Box Library via the app?
Story Box Library’s usage statistics for public libraries have been updated so Account Holders can now see the number of views their library community has had through the website and the app. Statistics for unique, new and total logins are inclusive of both.
Read more in our FAQ, What do the different types of views and logins mean?