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What's Up Top?

What's at the top of the ladder? Is it a hat? Is it a cat? Is it a snail on a whale?

Simple, playful and absurdist, this story by the talented Marc Martin is all about imagination and creativity. 

Told amusingly by actor Rohan Browne, What's Up Top? will keep you guessing until the very end!

Supporting subscribing educators with engaging hands-on lessons, Story Box Library (SBL) has introduced Units of Work which are comprehensive, thematic and linked to Australian curriculum learning outcomes, encouraging hands-on learning opportunities and collaboration between students. 

The Units of Work include printable resources and SBL story suggestions, ready for the classroom, to be used as a sequence or individually.

STEM Units of Work

F-2 unit is based around STRUCTURE and includes use of What's Up Top?

Download STEM Units of Work here


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