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The Dream of the Thylacine

Ailing am I,
in a cage of twisty wire, cold concrete.

The Dream of the Thylacine is a truly stunning and vitally important story about the extinction of a lost species from highly respected author and illustrator team of Margaret Wild and Ron Brooks.

Stark images of the last Tasmanian Tiger locked in a cage of concrete and wire and awaiting his fate, are powerfully accompanied by Margaret Wild's intensely sparse and poetic prose. The combined images and words create a desperately sad picture of the last days of this majestic creature.

Interposed with the scenes of captivity are images of colourful and dramatic Australian landscapes, representing the Thylacine's dreams of roaming free through his natural habitat.

Read by naturalist and environmental activist Steve Backshall (host of TV show Deadly 60), this story is poignant, haunting, and deeply thought-provoking. The Dream of the Thylacine sends an important message to us all about looking after the natural world before it's too late and many more creatures are lost.


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