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The Bushfire Book: How to Be Aware and Prepare

Australia is a big country with all sorts of weather. And sometimes extreme weather like bushfires. Bushfires can make a real mess of things. The air fills with smoke. The skies turn red. Ash falls. Precious things burn. But we don't need to be scared, we just need to know all about bushfires and prepare for them. 

This story will help you understand what causes bushfires, introduce you to all the clever people who are keeping an eye on them, and teach you how to be prepared and not scared. 

Written by Polly Marsden and illustrated by Chris Nixon, The Bushfire Book is a practical and reassuring story for children, to help them understand bushfires and what action they can take to feel less anxious and more prepared as Australia faces longer and more intense bushfire seasons. Read by firefighter Kate Faith


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