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That Bird Has Arms!

Roy is an ordinary bird in every way. He is not the biggest, or the smallest. His squawk is not the loudest or the quietest. He even follows the same football team as everyone else. He was very normal except for one thing – he has ARMS. Absolutely nobody knows – and Roy would like to keep it that way...

That Bird Has Arms! is a story about difference and identity. It’s about learning to see that what sets you apart is what makes you strong, and it’s about pride in your own uniqueness. 

Written by Kate & Jol Temple, illustrated by Ronojoy Ghosh & Niharika Hukku and read by Em Rusciano

Celebrate CBCA Book Week 2024 - Reading is Magic!

Get activities for CBCA Book Week, ready-made for educators and librarians, including a special, Zines are Magic: DIY Mini Book. Click here to access our dedicated CBCA Book Week 2024 activities and resources.*

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