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Sporty Kids: Swimming

Ben dived. Jessica dived. Oliver dived. And Emma went WHACK! 

It was the belly-whacker of all belly-whackers.

 Emma is a swimming superstar. But can she learn to dive?

Sporty Kids: Swimming is another fantastic tale in the Sporty Kids series from beloved author, Felice Arena. In this story we meet Emma, who although a good swimmer, is having trouble learning to dive. In a moment of inspiration, she decides to imitate some animals well-known for their water skills, and soon she is gliding like a crocodile, diving for rings like a dolphin and finally doing a beautiful dive into the water, just as a penguin would.

Packed full of humour and determination, and a host of wonderfully fun illustrations from the talented Tom Jellett, Sporty Kids: Swimming is a delightfully fun and exciting story. Cheekily read by author Felice Arena, this is a story you'll love, and that might just help you overcome a fear or two of your own.


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