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It's a Miroocool!

Audrey lives in the outback, so when she loses her first tooth, she's worried the tooth fairy will never find her!
How will she let the tooth fairy know where she lives... and what will the tooth fairy leave her?

Celebrate both the magic of the tooth fairy and the Australian way of life, with this simple and charming story from author Christine Harris.

Audrey's determined and resourceful nature proves delightful as she optimistically draws a map, creates an arrow, stamps dust footprints in the dirt and leaves a trail of breadcrumbs - all to ensure the tooth fairy finds his way to her house.

Ann James' illustrations are truly gorgeous and immerse us in the remote and historical outback setting, bringing the red dirt, spinifex grass, rural homestead and iconic bush animals to life.

It's a Miroocool! read by popular storyteller Fiona Harris, is the perfect introduction for younger audiences to Christine Harris' beloved character, Audrey of the Outback, and is sure to be a hit with any child with a wobbly tooth!


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