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Meet Morris Gleitzman

Not only is Morris Gleitzman one of Australia's bestselling, funniest and best-loved children's authors, he is a former Australian Children's Laureate!

Morris wrote his first children's book over thirty years ago, and is now one of Australia's most successful authors, both internationally and at home. Some of his many titles include Two Weeks With The Queen, Bumface, Toad Rage, Give Peas A Chance, and the highly acclaimed Once series.

In this short film, we get up close and personal with this fascinating, talented and very funny author in his beloved home town of Brisbane. Watch and be inspired as Morris explains what being asked to be Laureate meant to him. Find out how Morris creates his amazing characters, what his favourite word is (Here's a hintit's probably not what you would expect!) and how his ambassador role at Queensland's Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA) influences his writing.

Morris also has some great advice for any kids who are thinking about becoming writers themselves, as well as some wonderful insights into reading and how it profoundly impacts us as human beings on a day to day basis, in every area of our lives.

The Story Box Library team had a lot of fun filming with Morris in some beautiful locations, including the amazing and inspiring GOMA, and we hope you love this small peek into the world of Morris Gleitzman!



    Morris Gleitzman


    Matt Gdanitz


    Fiona Harris


    Nicole Brownlee


    Story Box Library Pty Ltd
    Australia, 2018


Suitable for


Story Duration
