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Why can't I find the story I'm looking for using the search box?

If you can't find what you're looking for, try one of these suggestions:

Make sure you haven't accidentally included any typos in your search terms.

Try a similar but less specific keyword, such as "father" instead of "Father's Day", or "insects" instead of "bees".

If you normally use our site-wide search try just searching for videos, or vice versa:

  • Side-Wide Search: To search everything on our site including all videos, page text, blog posts and FAQ articles, use the search bar that appears when you click the magnifying glass or the 3 stacked horizontal lines in the top right corner of any page:
  • Videos Search: To search for videos only (stories, activities and short films), use the search bar on your dashboard (what you see at when you're logged in) or the Stories page. Note that this search box searches titles, names and themes but not video descriptions.

Use the filter menu instead of typing in keywords:

  • On the Stories page side, use the the options down the left hand side of the page to filter videos by age, duration, theme, author, illustrator, storyteller and more:
  • If you're logged in to your dashboard at, open the filter menu by tapping or clicking on the SHOW FILTERS button in the search bar:

If the story isn't available on Story Box Library yet, read here for information about how to recommend books to us!