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What can I expect from the three different series?

Each series is roughly broken down into five main sections:

  1. The first four lessons (episodes 1-4) focus on story craft and writing tools

  2. The next lesson (episode 5) is a closer look at elements of character development.

  3. Then we have two lessons (episodes 6-7) on illustration, covering both narrative illustration creation and the 'visual literacy' elements of understanding and engaging with visual stories.

  4. The following 3 lessons (episodes 8-10) explore story forms such as wordless fiction, zines and audio fiction. 

  5. And finally, our last 2 lessons (episodes 11-12) provide some 'behind the scenes' publishing secrets, and are designed to allow kids to explore reading and expand their reading knowledge and tastes.

It’s a holistic approach, designed to address all those key skills for writing, encouraging an enjoyment of the craft as well. We know that as teachers, librarians, and educators, you'll enjoy delivering the content, facilitating that creativity while also encouraging further engagement in reading and storytelling in the process!