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How do we set up SAML SSO for our organisation?

We support SAML 2.0 Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication for School and Tertiary subscriptions.

Benefits of setting up SSO

  • Staff and students can log in with their usual school username and password, they won't need to remember an additional login for StoryBox Hub.
  • Account Holders will get access to additional statistics.
  • Users that log in via SSO will have control of their own personal playlists.
  • Users that log in via SSO will have control of their own preferences for whether captions appear on by default and whether playlists loop by default.
  • We can provide a direct link to your organisation's StoryBox Hub SSO login page.

Setting up SSO

Part of the set up will happen in your identity provider (IdP)'s admin portal, the other part will take place in your StoryBox Hub Account Holder settings. You may need assistance from your ICT team to complete the set up.

The set up steps and terminology can vary depending on the IdP your organisation is using. It's best to check with your IdP's documentation or support team for the best way to add a new or custom SAML application to your portal, but we are also working on updating our FAQs to include as much information about set up for different IdPs as per the below articles.

Set up steps for popular identity providers


  • As of 28 May 2024 SSO is not currently available in our iOS or Android apps but this should be updated around Q3 2024.
  • Viewer username and password combinations will continue to work for schools that have enabled SSO, but in the future when more account individuality is introduced this may be discontinued. Note that if a person logs in with your Viewer username and password they won't have access to any playlists they may have created when logged in via SSO.
  • Viewer username and password can be used as a workaround to access your organisation's subscription via our iOS and Android apps in the meantime.
  • At this point in time we recommend you only set up SSO or our LTI-LMS integration for StoryBox Hub - not both. Both methods create staff/student accounts under your parent organisation account, but our system currently can't sync an SSO-generated sub account with an LTO-generated sub account. This means if you have both set up and a student accesses StoryBox Hub via SSO, then later via your LMS, they will end up with two separate accounts which could cause some confusion.