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How can I incorporate Story Tools into the public library?

With the flexible opportunities that Story Tools affords, it's the perfect resource for any youth writing-based program.

Designed to complement what libraries already offer, Story Tools can be incorporated into after-school boot camps to school holiday programs that could support a young writers competition.

Remember that the series and lessons can be used in any order you choose. Each lesson comes with a set of resources that not only provide you with a plan for delivering the program but also fun activities that encourage an enjoyment of writing and storytelling, in addition to further engagement with reading and your library collection more widely.

(And one of the big bonuses is that other public librarian superstars have reported an increase in borrowing rates, too!).

Story Tools also enables you to build upon planned in-person visits from creators that you already offer. With the press of a button, you can increase children's access to those same authors and illustrators any time you want, no matter where you are, allowing for further inspiration and learning opportunities for your budding writers.