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I was born in Broome in the topical north of Western Australia in 1954, at a time when it was an isolated, almost derelict town that no one went to, or came from. My dad was the PMG (Telecom) technician for an area the size of Europe and we lived there for several years until he was transferred south to Mullewa at the edge of the wheat belt. I have three younger brothers, Ian, Bruce and Colin and we lived in several country towns throughout Western Australia during my childhood. When I turned ten the family moved to Kalamunda, in the hills above Perth, where my parents, Barb and Jack, still live. I have worked at various jobs over the past thirty five years and after some time travelling overseas, in 1984 I returned to Perth and over the next twenty five years I became a Publishers' Sales Rep, Bookstore Manager, Bookstore Owner and finally a Contractor for Gumdrop Books, a marvellous school book supply company. I share an old Federation house near central Perth with my wife Jan, a High School Librarian , the neighbours' cats and four goldfish named Errol Fin, Elizabeth Taylor, David Blowie and Wanda. I spend my spare time reading, of course, watching old movies and really enjoy travelling, woodworking and photography.