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James Foley

Author / Illustrator

James Foley makes picture books, middle grade novels and graphic novels for kids. 

His picture book ‘Stellarphant’ was an Honour Book in the 2022 CBCA Picture Book of the Year category; it was voted into Australia’s Top 50 Kids Books; and it was selected for the International Youth Library’s prestigious White Ravens List. 

His latest graphic novel series, ‘Secret Agent Mole’, follows agents Max Mole, Helena Hippo and June Bug, for whom no mission is too dangerous or ridiculous. 

His earlier books, ‘In the Lion’, ‘The Last Viking’ and ‘The Last Viking Returns’, have all scored several honours, including recognition in the CBCA Book of the Year awards, and selection to the International Youth Library’s White Raven list. 

James is an ambassador for Books in Homes and Room to Read. He is a massive Marvel movie nerd. He comes from a long line of queuing enthusiasts.