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What do Subscriptions include?

Family & Gift 
School &
Early Childhood
Public Library
& Tertiary

Access via both Story Box Library website and StoryBox app

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Aus & NZ subscribers have access to ALL stories that feature in our growing library*

Range of short films that enable children to discover the creative process behind the books

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Related 'Classroom Ideas' for each story that are linked to the current Australian Curriculum 

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Related 'At Home Activity' for each story

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Compatible with computers & devices that include internet access (limited to ONE device at any given time)

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Compatible with computers & devices that include internet access (multiple devices may be used at any given time)

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Advertisement free zone

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Closed captions available for every story

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Each story in our library has a link to purchase the book

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Email newsletter to notify you of added stories, short films, events etc

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* International subscribers please refer here.