Eligible 3 and 4-year old early childhood education services delivering state-funded kindergarten programs in Victoria can now apply for a subscription with Story Box Library, as part of the Victorian School Readiness program. Visit our listing on the School Readiness Menu here.
Story Box Library supports the key priority areas of language development, access and inclusion, and builds upon the foundations of literacy and learning that early learning services already deliver.
A 12-month subscription provides centres with access to over 450 stories read aloud by a diverse range of storytellers. Stories can be share via our website or app, and explored both at your centre and at home with families.
Practical activity ideas accompany each story, helping children engage with and explore the themes or characters within stories further.
Pricing is dependent on the number of children enrolled in the service on a weekly basis.
Our subscriptions also provide centres with access to our online PD sessions which are run termly and cover a range of topics related to literacy and student engagement.
Please contact nina@storyboxhub.com to receive a quote or further information about a subscription for your service.
For more information to support your funding application, read our brochure for Early Childhood Organisations here.